1 Data Manipulation and Cleaning

1.1 Summary

Within this workshop, we introduce concepts associated with data wrangling as it relates to rectangular data.

1.2 Learning Objectives

After completing this workshop, you are expected to be able to:

  • Construct Series and DataFrame using Pandas.
  • Access data attributes
  • Perform logical filtering operations.
  • Read and write to either flat or binary files.
  • Handle missing data.

1.3 Content

Title Link
0.1: Google Colab Slides https://inmas-training.github.io/lecture-slides/00a-google-colab.pdf
1.0: Workshop Welcome Slides https://inmas-training.github.io/lecture-slides/01a-intro.pdf
1.1: Pandas Intro Slides https://inmas-training.github.io/lecture-slides/01b-pandas.pdf
1.2: Data Manipulation Notebook Open In Colab
1.3: Pandas Real Data Slides https://inmas-training.github.io/lecture-slides/01c-real-data.pdf
1.4: Real Data Notebook Open In Colab

1.5 Advanced

Finished with all of the exercises? Please try to solve this extended problem.

Title Link
1.5: Counting Classifications Open In Colab